Press and media coverage:

  • Tinkering with Time Aids Data Compression and Transfer” related to Anamorphic stretch transform for time bandwidth engineering, highlighted by Optical Society of America, July 2014.

  • “Efficient digitization” related to work on the first experimental demonstration of optical real-time data compression, Research highlights in Nature Photonics, vol. 8, 423, June 2014.

  • “The Anamorphic Stretch Transform, Putting a squeeze on Big Data,” Invited feature article on Big Data compression and cover story in Optics and Photonic News (OPN) (Optical Society of America’s magazine), Feb. 2014.

  • Work “Warped time lens in temporal imaging for optical real-time data compression,” Invited feature article on real-time instruments and cover story, Springer publishing group, Chinese Science Bulletin Journal, June 2014.

  • Work “Anamorphic transformation and its application to time-bandwidth compression,” Announced by Optical Society of America as the third most downloaded paper in Applied Optics journal among all the papers published (since 1962), 2,200 hits in 3 months, Feb. 2014.

  • “Warping compresses big data” Feature article in Photonics Spectra Magazine, March. 2014.

  • “Warping can compress Big Data,” interview with California Aggie newspaper on the work, image compression using the anamorphic stretch transform, Jan. 2014.

  • Cover picture of Optical Society of America and Optics and Photonics News pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, Feb. 2014.

  • “New data compression method reduces big-data bottleneck; outperforms, enhances JPEG,” news coverage over more than 70 online news agencies, Since Dec. 2013.

  • Biography included in the 2013 and 2014 editions of Marquis Who's Who in America, which endeavors to profile the leaders of American society since 1899, USA, 2012&2013.

  • “Ultrafast pulse characterization: Optical complexity challenges pulse-measurement methods,” Laser Focus World magazine, USA, 2011.

  • “Technology review in 2010: Scientists and engineers, a vital alliance,” Laser Focus World magazine, USA, 2010.

  • “Passionate student at INRS,” magazine Planete INRS, Canada, 2009.