Press and media coverage:
“Tinkering with Time Aids Data Compression and Transfer” related to Anamorphic stretch transform for time bandwidth engineering, highlighted by Optical Society of America, July 2014.
“Efficient digitization” related to work on the first experimental demonstration of optical real-time data compression, Research highlights in Nature Photonics, vol. 8, 423, June 2014.
“The Anamorphic Stretch Transform, Putting a squeeze on Big Data,” Invited feature article on Big Data compression and cover story in Optics and Photonic News (OPN) (Optical Society of America’s magazine), Feb. 2014.
Work “Warped time lens in temporal imaging for optical real-time data compression,” Invited feature article on real-time instruments and cover story, Springer publishing group, Chinese Science Bulletin Journal, June 2014.
Work “Anamorphic transformation and its application to time-bandwidth compression,” Announced by Optical Society of America as the third most downloaded paper in Applied Optics journal among all the papers published (since 1962), 2,200 hits in 3 months, Feb. 2014.
“Warping compresses big data” Feature article in Photonics Spectra Magazine, March. 2014.
“Warping can compress Big Data,” interview with California Aggie newspaper on the work, image compression using the anamorphic stretch transform, Jan. 2014.
Cover picture of Optical Society of America and Optics and Photonics News pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, Feb. 2014.
“New data compression method reduces big-data bottleneck; outperforms, enhances JPEG,” news coverage over more than 70 online news agencies, Since Dec. 2013.
Biography included in the 2013 and 2014 editions of Marquis Who's Who in America, which endeavors to profile the leaders of American society since 1899, USA, 2012&2013.
“Ultrafast pulse characterization: Optical complexity challenges pulse-measurement methods,” Laser Focus World magazine, USA, 2011.
“Technology review in 2010: Scientists and engineers, a vital alliance,” Laser Focus World magazine, USA, 2010.
“Passionate student at INRS,” magazine Planete INRS, Canada, 2009.
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